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It’s here, the nesting season so many of us look forward to!
Perhaps some of you remember what this series all about, but we might as well start at the beginning.
What is fall nesting?
It is a season that reflects an inner mindset.
It doesn’t have to begin when a calendar tells us it should or when the temperate is just right.
By welcoming the fall nesting mindset, we are not rushing away the days or too quickly saying goodbye to summer. Not at all.
In fact, as I’ve always felt, fall isn’t about rushing at all. It’s slow and mindful. Purposeful and intentional.
Fall embodies a natural evolution to all things homey.
Of course, a home should be a sanctuary in all seasons.
But in this particular season, we naturally begin to sense the time has come to turn our heart inward.
This is what our Fall Nesting series is all about.
It’s remembering and practicing those familiar and comforting nesting rituals.
It’s all the ways we can nurture and gather the people we love in our home.
It’s the gentle art of preparing our nest so it’s as cozy and inviting as it can be.
It’s finding ways to awaken our senses so we can fully savor the place we call home.
It’s expressing gratitude for the season we are in.
I can’t wait to share my own home and the ways I’m making it cozier, too!